Sunday 23 November 2014

Bad Associations - Nestlé Scandal

As we discussed in class, one of the major challenges for marketers is to ensure that consumers have the right type of experiences with a product and develop marketing programs that ensure that the desired feelings and thoughts are linked to the brand. If a company is cached in the middle of a scandal the way how that brand is present in consumer mind is extremely damaged, especially if it harms consumers! This was exactly the case of the Nestlé indignity...


Nestlé ethical questionable decisions started when the company decided to switch its main baby milk demographic to poor mothers in developing countries. Nestlé saw an opportunity to exploit these people and was able to get across the false impression that its milk was better for babies than breast feeding. In these undeveloped countries, mothers made tremendous efforts to save money in order to feed their babys with what was known as "the best". The promotional campaigns of the brand were even supported by nurses of the countries where Nestlé were offering the products!

The practises of Nestlé contributed to the unnecessary death and suffering of infants around the world. Reasons like using contaminated water to mix with the formula in poor countries, the lack of understanding and ability to implement sanitation standards required and the usage of less Nestlé formula than required, which provided even less adequate nutrition, were in the center of the problem.

Nestlé suffered after it was proved their false accusations and a boycott campaign was heavily promoted in media and supported by famous people.

This video summarizes the problems that Nestlé caused:

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