Sunday 23 November 2014

Louboutin - A Synonym for Uniqueness

The shoes with the shiny, red lacquered soles are known around the world. The French brand created by the designer Christian Louboutin has increased its brand knowledge because of the red color used in its shoes soles, aside with the high quality offered on its products.

I want to mention this example of a brand because, in my opinion, is an outstanding and memorable brand that stays in consumer mind for its elegance and uniqueness.
The red sole is a major asset for this company, creating several revenues each day. The reason for this to happen is because customers can easily detect the points-of-parity (with its competitors) and the points-of-difference. The point-of-parity is the luxury product that offers and the point-of-difference the very own red sole!


In order to analyse the consumer behavior towards this brand, I am going to build the customer-based brand equity pyramid:

As you can see described in the pyramid, Louboutin shoes are a symbol of luxury and social status and women want to have a pair only because they are Louboutin. As Christian Louboutin (designer) said: "If you can not walk in them , do not have to wear them either!"

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