Sunday 23 November 2014

Catchy Slogans and Jingles

Slogans and Jingles are powerful branding devices because of its efficient ability of creating brand equity. Both brand elements are very valuable in enhancing brand awareness because of its "stickiness" in consumers mind.

Jingles are musical messages written around the brand and often have catchy hooks and choruses to become almost registered in the head of listeners.
Most of jingles are repeated constantly during the commercials and is this persistent characteristic that make them stick.

The jingles in the videos below are examples of jingles seen in class and have been in my mind until today!


Band Aids:

Slogans are phrases that communicate descriptive or persuasive information about the brand and usually reinforces one of the most valuable attributes of the products or one of the company core values.

Emblematic slogans that are remembered around the world are also associated with emblematic brand.
Slogans like the ones listed below are the world's most recognizable and come to my mind (and probably to everybody else's) when thinking of these subject:

- "Just do it" by Nike

- " The happiest place on earth" by Walt Disney

- "Red Bull gives you wiiings" by Red Bull

- " I'm lovin' it" by McDonald's

- " Melts in your mouth, not in your hands" by M&M's

- " Open happiness" by Coca-Cola

Both slogans and jingles identify and differentiate the brand and help the brand to form strong, positive and unique associations. In order to achieve this purposes, like all the others brand elements, slogans and jingles need to be memorable, meaningful, likeable, transferable, adaptable and protectable.

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