Sunday 23 November 2014

Brand Positioning - Volkswagen

The automobile brand Volkswagen is a remarkable example of brand positioning through advertising when it entered in the Indian market.

After facing a few problems with the Indian community that didn't see the brand as suitable enough, Volkswagen introduced a few changes.

The first step of the brand was to search for consumer insights. After gathering information about what these consumers value in a car, Volkswagen leveraged these insights and changed its image to an aspirational, innovative and reliable brand and offered products with high functionality and spacious places (which is very valued in India).

The advertising that is listed below shows how this brand adapted its campaign to be side by side with the new slogan for Volkswagen India: " A German engineering. Made for India".

The slogan position the brand in a clear way in the minds of customers and proves that Volkswagen is committed in reaching a position of superiority and giving customers reasons to have emotional attachment and reactions to the brand.


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